Sunday, 4 November 2012

Lovely Free Printable Banners

What else is there to do on a Sunday morning other than design a couple of printable banners? Here they are for you to download and use as you wish (other than selling them obviously, that would just be cheeky).

They are circular motifs with capital letters on them, cut them out, hole punch the holes in the top and thread some ribbon through. I'm going to make a Happy Birthday one. And maybe a 'Honey you're home' to hang in the hallway. They'd be really cute for baby showers etc as well.

The Blue, Yellow and Grey banner is at:

The Pink, Green and Grey banner is at:


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the free printable banners! They're rather nice to decorate around the house with. But banners like these can also be used as permanent decorations or announcements to disseminate information. In that case, you can print them in bulk and have them made from materials stronger than ordinary paper or cardboard, such as vinyl.

    Media Marksmen
